A RAG status is calculated based on your assessment of each of the five OR(A)EO perspectives based on the rules for each perspective.

Best practice on creating plans for the perspectives is determined by the red, amber, green (RAG) status.

🔴 A plan is needed and should be shared with the wider team of stakeholders. 🟠 A plan is needed. 🟢 No plan is needed. Carry on at current course and speed.

Reds and ambers from each of the Perspectives, with the exception of Expansion, roll up into the overall Health Status. This means that Health Status will be green when all Perspective RAG is green, amber when any Perspective RAG is amber (and none are red) and will be red if any Perspective RAG is red.

You may choose to override the RAG if there are positive mitigating factors and you are, on balance, not concerned. This is done by checking that you are UNCONCERNED in the Outcome, Relationship, or Adoption perspectives. The Expansion perspective does not roll-up to overall health. The Organisation status is based on the recency of the latest operational and business related meetings.

More on each of the perspectives below.

Outcome Assessment

Relationship Assessment

Adoption Assessment

Expansion Assessment

Organisation Perspective

Proactive Customer Success Management

Being proactive is not just an attitude, it is a practice, a set of steps based on the assessment, concerns, and plans for each of the OR(A)EO perspectives.